UNSAR a luat parte la dezbaterile din cadrul FIAR 2014

Intre 25 si 29 mai 2014, reprezentantii UNSAR au participat, alaturi de specialistii din pietele de asigurari nationale si internationale, la dezbaterile din cadrul FIAR – Forumul International Asigurari-Reasigurari 2014, unul dintre cele mai importante evenimente europene de profil.

Cu prilejul Conferintei „Insurance Market Trends”, Remi Vrignaud, Presedintele UNSAR, a realizat o imagine de ansamblu asupra pietei de asigurari romanesti si a analizat provocarile anului 2014. Astfel, dupa o prezentare generala a cifrelor raportate pentru 2013, Presedintele UNSAR a trecut in revista caracteristicile principale ale pietei de profil, realitatile momentului, oportunitatile care pot contribui la dezvoltare, elementele care necesita o imbunatatire si reglementarile europene care vizeaza in mod direct si Romania. Nu in ultimul rand, acesta a trecut in revista proiectele UNSAR pentru 2014. De asemenea, Remi Vrignaud a participat si la discutiile din cadrul Conferintei dedicate Pietei Reasigurarilor, unde a subliniat importanta calitatii portofoliului de reasigurare pentru companiile romanesti.

Marius Popescu, Responsabil Sectiunea Asigurari de Viata si Sanatate, a explicat, in cadrul Conferintei Asigurarilor de Viata si de Sanatate, ca noile reglementari europene legate de transparenta in distributia produselor de asigurare vor avea un efect bun pentru piata din Romania, in conditiile in care acestea ar duce la o crestere a increderii si satisfactiei clientilor.

Asigurarile de locuinte din Romania, atat cele obligatorii, cat si cele facultative, au fost analizate de Adrian Marin, Responsabil Sectiunea de Bunuri si Proprietati, la Workshop-ul dedicat riscurilor catastrofale din cadrul FIAR 2014. De asemenea, in prezentarea sustinuta, Adrian Marin a identificat punctele nevralgice ale pietei locale si solutiile intreprinse de UNSAR in directia rezolvarii acestora.

In contextul in care catastrofele naturale nu pot fi previzionate si afecteaza culturile, protejarea cat mai adecvata a fermierilor este necesara in Romania. In acest context, in cadrul Workshop-ului dedicat Asigurarilor Agricole, Florentina Almajanu, Director General UNSAR, a prezentat cateva experiente europene in ceea ce priveste asigurarea riscurilor catastrofale in agricultura. Workshop-ul a fost moderat de Lucian Marin, Responsabil, Sectiunea de Asigurari Agricole care a prezentat, totodata, si actuala situatie cu privire la riscurile care afecteaza fermierii si modul in care acestia se pot proteja.

In cadrul Conferintei Asigurarilor Auto, Madalin Rosu, Responsabil Sectiunea de Asigurari Auto, a prezentat doua proiecte UNSAR pe acest segment, unul dintre ele vizand asigurarile obligatorii RCA, iar celalalt, segmentul asigurarilor facultative CASCO. De asemenea, a atras atentia ca intr-o piata dominata de asigurarile auto, sunt necesare de imbunatatiri radicale pentru aducerea segmentului auto in zona profitabila, mai ales in ceea ce priveste reglementarile pentru despagubirile platite pentru vatamari corporale si daune morale.

Click pentru a descarca prezentarile sustinute de reprezentantii UNSAR in cadrul FIAR 2014:
Remi Vrignaud, Presedinte UNSAR
Marius Popescu, Responsabil Sectiunea Asigurari de Viata si Sanatate
Adrian Marin, Responsabil Sectiunea de Bunuri si Proprietati
Florentina Almajanu, Director General UNSAR
Lucian Marin, Responsabil, Sectiunea de Asigurari Agricole
Madalin Rosu, Responsabil Sectiunea de Asigurari Auto

Between the 25th and the 29th of May, 2014, the representatives of UNSAR participated, together with the re/insurance national and international specialists, at FIAR – The International Insurance-Reinsurance Forum 2014, one of the most important European spring events dedicated to the insurance, reinsurance and private pensions markets.

During the “Insurance Market Trends” Conference, Remi Vrignaud, President of UNSAR, described the main aspects of the Romanian insurance market and analyzed the challenges of 2014. Thus, after a general presentation of the 2013 results, the President of UNSAR explained the current local context and identified the opportunities that can help the market grow, as well as the elements that need to be changed and the European regulations that directly affect Romania. Last but not least, he described UNSAR’s projects in 2014. Remi Vrignaud also participated in the Reinsurance Market Conference, where he pointed out the importance of a quality reinsurance portfolio for the Romanian companies.

Marius POPESCU, Head of Life and Health Insurance Section, explained during the Life and Health Insurance Conference, that the new European regulations regarding transparency in the insurance products distribution will have a positive effect for the Romanian market, given that they will increase the customers’ trust and satisfaction.

Mandatory and voluntary household insurance policies were analyzed by Adrian MARIN, Head of the Property Insurance Section, during the NatCat Risks Workshop at FIAR 2014. Moreover, in the presentation, Adrian Marin also identified certain negative aspects of the local insurance market and presented UNSAR’s solutions for solving these issues.

Since it is impossible to forecast natural catastrophes that affect the crops, an adequate protection of farmers is necessary in Romania. In this context, during the Agricultural Insurance Workshop, Florentina ALMAJANU, General Director of UNSAR, presented a few European experiences in the agricultural catastrophic risks insurance. Lucian MARIN, Head of the Agricultural Insurance Section, moderated the workshop and also presented the current risks affecting Romanian farmers, as well as the protection measures available.

During the Motor Insurance Conference, Madalin ROSU, Head of the Motor Insurance Section, presented two UNSAR projects concerning the mandatory MTPL insurance and the voluntary Motor Hull insurance. Moreover, he also pointed out that in a market dominated by motor insurance, such as the Romanian one, radical changes are necessary in order to bring profitability on the motor insurance segment, especially as far as the regulations for bodily injuries and moral claims are concerned.

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