UNSAR a primit vizita unei delegatii a Asociatiei Asiguratorilor din Germania – GDV

In data de 24 mai a.c., UNSAR a primit vizita unei delegatii a Asociatiei Asiguratorilor din Germania – GDV. UNSAR si GDV au o lunga relatie de colaborare si conlucrare.

Din partea GDV au participat:
– Mr. Udo Martinsohn (Chairman of the Central and Eastern European Committee)
– Mr. Volker Henke (Head of the department of bilateral affairs of the GDV)
– Mr. Michael Theilmeier (Director of General Reinsurance PLC)
– Mr. Rainer Schönberg (Chief representative of Signal Iduna)
– Mrs. Alexandra Storr (Client Managerin, Swiss RE Europa)
– Mr. Ulrich Werwigk (Claims Manager CEE, Swiss Re)

Programul a fost urmatorul:
– 10:00 – 12:00 masa rotunda al carui subiect au fost Asigurarile de Catastrofe Naturale (NatCat). Aceasta masa rotunda a fost coordonata de domnul Adrian Marin – responsabil Sectiunea de Asigurari de Bunuri si Proprietati din cadrul UNSAR.
– 13:00 – 15:00 masa rotunda al carui subiect au fost Platile pentru Vatamari Corporale. Aceasta masa rotunda a fost coordonata de doamna Daniela Grigore – responsabil Sectiunea de Asigurari Auto din cadrul UNSAR.

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On the 24th of May, UNSAR received the visit of a delegation of German Insurance Association – GDV. UNSAR and GDV have had a long relationship of collaboration and co-operation.

On behalf of GDV:
– Mr. Udo Martinsohn (Chairman of the Central and Eastern European Committee)
– Mr. Volker Henke (Head of the department of bilateral affairs of the GDV)
– Mr. Michael Theilmeier (Director of General Reinsurance PLC)
– Mr. Rainer Schönberg (Chief Representative of Signal Iduna)
– Mrs. Alexandra Storr (Client Managerin, Swiss RE Europa)
– Mr. Ulrich Werwigk (Claims Manager CEE, Swiss Re)

The schedule was the following:
– 10:00 – 12:00 Round table on the subject of insurance against National Catastrophes (NatCat). The debate was chaired by Mr. Adrian Marin – representative UNSAR Asset and Property Division.
– 13:00 – 15:00 Round table on the subject of Payments for Bodily Injury. The debate was chaired by Mrs. Daniela Grigore – UNSAR Motor Insurance

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